
Request for creation/change of user account ISOT
160 kB, January 8, 2024
All registered Subjects of Settlement and data suppliers can request creation or change of user account to access the XMtrade®/ISOT system using the supplied request form. User account cannot be created unless the user has a valid commercial certificate signed by an accepted certificate authority.

Request for testing XMtrade®/ISOT system
127 kB, January 18, 2010
The document includes application for testing in XMtrade®/ISOT system for user.

Technical specification of external interfaces of the system v 1.17 (in effect for production)
3,41 MB, March 21, 2024
The purpose of this Document is to provide all needed technical information for realization of automatic data exchange between external system and information system XMtrade®/ISOT. The document contains specifications of communication and data structure used for data Exchange. The effective date of this technical specification is linked to the Go-live of intraday auctions.

Description of EUPHEMIA matching algorithm
8.8 MB, October 12, 2020
Existing day ahead market is based on order matching using EUPHEMIA algorithm. This document contains description of rules and constraints that are used to match orders and compute market clearing prices and NET position of business area using the Market Coupling method.

Sample XML documents for orders
2 kB, January 25, 2011
The file contains a sample XML documents for orders.

Accepted Certification Authorities
104 kB, 11. augusta 2023
This document contains an up-to-date list of certification authorities, which commercial certificates are accepted by the Imbalance Biller for authentication and authorization of users and electronic signature of data.

XSD template for IDM
13 kB, June 14, 2023