Orders list

GET https://isot.okte.sk/api/v1/idm/orders


Enum (15, 60)
Type of traded product
Date Time 8601 UTC
Start time of delivery range
Date Time 8601 UTC
End time of delivery range
Date Time 8601 UTC
Start time of createdAt range
Date Time 8601 UTC
End time of createdAt range
Date Time 8601 UTC
Start time of updatedAt range
Date Time 8601 UTC
End time of updatedAt range
Enum (active, inactive, canceled, partiallyMatched, matched, expired, expiredInactive)
A comma-delimited list of statuses of own orders. Default: "all"
Enum (true, false)
Specifies whether trades information should be included in response. Default: false
Integer number
Specifies the starting point for retrieving records. Used for pagination. Default: 0
Integer number
Defines the maximum number of records to retrieve in a single response. Default 50
One of time range parameters is required: 'DeliveryFrom' (with/without 'DeliveryTo') or 'CreatedFrom' (with/without 'CreatedTo') or 'UpdatedFrom' (with/without 'UpdatedTo'). For compatibility with public results API, productType, skip and take parameters are supported as well.


GET https://isot.okte.sk/api/v1/idm/orders?status=matched&createdFrom=2024-11-13T16:58:00Z&expandTrades=true[
    "id": 123456,
    "type": "simple",
    "productType": 60,
    "deliveryDay": "2024-11-14",
    "deliveryStart": "2024-11-14T14:00:00Z",
    "deliveryEnd": "2024-11-14T15:00:00Z",
    "direction": "buy",
    "quantity": 1.3,
    "price": 0.82,
    "status": "matched",
    "isPending": false,
    "realizedQuantity": 1.3,
    "realizedPriceWeighted": 60.11,
    "remainingQuantity": 0,
    "expiration": null,
    "note": "just my note",
    "clientOrderId": "00001",
    "createdAt": "2024-11-13T16:58:10Z",
    "updatedAt": "2024-11-13T16:58:16Z",
    "createdBy": "tester01",
    "trades": [
        "id": 112233,
        "time": "2024-11-13T17:58:10",
        "price": 60.11,
        "quantity": 1.3

Response fields description

Field Description Format
id Identifier Integer number
type Order type Enum (simple, block)
productType Type of traded product Enum (15, 60)
deliveryDay Date of the delivery Date 8601
deliveryStart Delivery period start Date Time 8601 UTC
deliveryEnd Delivery period end Date Time 8601 UTC
direction Direction / side Enum (buy, sell)
quantity Quantity in MW Float number (one decimal place)
price Price in EUR/MWh Float number (two decimal places)
status Current order status Enum (active, inactive, canceled, partiallyMatched, matched, expired, expiredInactive)
isPending Indicator of whether the order is still being processed by the system (e.g., waiting for activation). Boolean (true, false)
realizedQuantity Realized quantity in MW Float number (one decimal place)
realizedPriceWeighted Realized price in EUR/MWh Float number (two decimal places)
remainingQuantity Remaining quantity in MW Float number (one decimal place)
expiration Time of client defined order expiration Date Time 8601 UTC or null
note Custom client note String or null
clientOrderId Custom client identificator of order String or null
createdAt The time of the order's creation Date Time 8601 UTC
updatedAt The time of the order's latest update.' Date Time 8601 UTC
createdBy The name of the user who created the order. String
trades Realized trades List of Trade objects or null
id Identifier Integer number
time The time of the trade Date Time 8601 UTC
price Price in EUR/MWh Float number (two decimal places)
quantity Quantity in MW Float number (one decimal place)


Request may return HTTP status codes 200 (OK), 400 (Bad Request), 429 (Too Many Requests), or 500 (Internal Server Error).

Query error

GET https://isot.okte.sk/api/v1/idm/orders?offset=0&limit=10{
  "code": "RangeFilterRequired",
  "message": "Parameters 'DeliveryFrom' (with/without 'DeliveryTo') or 'CreatedFrom' (with/without 'CreatedTo')  or 'UpdatedFrom' (with/without 'UpdatedTo') are required."