Order detail
GET https://isot.okte.sk/v1/idm/orders/:orderId
:orderId required |
Integer number ID of own order |
GET https://isot.okte.sk/v1/idm/orders/695896{
"id": 695896,
"type": "simple",
"productType": 60,
"deliveryDay": "2024-11-14",
"deliveryStart": "2024-11-14T14:00:00Z",
"deliveryEnd": "2024-11-14T15:00:00Z",
"direction": "buy",
"quantity": 1.3,
"price": 0.82,
"status": "matched",
"isPending": false,
"realizedQuantity": 1.3,
"realizedPriceWeighted": 60.11,
"remainingQuantity": 0,
"expiration": null,
"note": "just my note",
"clientOrderId": "00001",
"createdAt": "2024-11-13T16:58:10Z",
"updatedAt": "2024-11-13T16:58:16Z",
"createdBy": "tester01",
"trades": [
"id": 112233,
"time": "2024-11-13T17:58:10",
"price": 60.11,
"quantity": 1.3
Request may return HTTP status codes 200 (OK), 404 (Not Found), 429 (Too Many Requests), or 500 (Internal Server Error).
Order detail request message example (WebSocket)
WS wss://isot.okte.sk/api/v1/idm/ws?topics=orders{
"type": "order-detail",
"payload": {
"id": 2172507
Server responds with order-detail message with payload same as REST API response above.