CACM Cost Report 2022

According to Article 80 of the Commission Regulation (EU) 2015/1222 of 24 July 2015 (CACM Regulation), all Nominated Electricity Market Operators in cooperation with all Transmission System Operators are required to annually report on the costs of establishing, amending and operating Single Day-Ahead (SDAC) and Single Intra-Day Coupling (SIDC) which are, for last year, summarized in CACM Cost Report 2022. CACM Cost Report 2022 also provides the forecast for 2023 and the costs of projects implemented by NEMOs and TSOs in certain regions.

As of 2023 NEMOs and TSOs agreed jointly that the yearly CACM cost report shall be prepared under the new Market Coupling Steering Committee (MCSC) body, which was established in 2022.

The CACM Cost Report 2022 can be found here.


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