Commencement of the public consultation on change to the OKTE, a.s. Operation Order

OKTE, a.s. announces that on December 15, 2022 public consultation began, concerning the upcoming amendment to the operational order of the short-term electricity market operator. The changes in the operational order are related to the cancellation of the ten-day evaluation of imbalances invoicing, a change in the calculation of the financial security, and other minor adjustments to the provisions of the operational order related to invoicing. Simultaneously threshold that triggers the second auction procedure is being increased.

The proposed amendment to the OKTE, a.s. Operation is available in the Slovak language HERE.

Participation in public consultation

Concerned market participants can participate in the public consultation by sending a completed form (available in the Slovak language HERE ) with their comments and statements in the Slovak language to the e-mail address In the email’s subject, it is necessary to state „Vstup do verejnej konzultácie PP“.

The last day for submission of comments is 30 December 2022. OKTE, a.s. will not take into consideration comments received after this deadline.



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