New OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (effective from 30th November 2022)

On November 30, 2022, the amendment to the OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (hereinafter as "OO OKTE"), which was approved as a consolidated wording by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries, will take effect.  The amendment aims to harmonize participation on the organized short-term intraday electricity market with Single Intraday coupling (hereinafter as "SIDC")  and XBID as OKTE, a.s. is to become an operational party to SIDC. Following is a short list of changes:

  • Change in definitions used in OO OKTE;
  • Changes to the functioning of the intraday market, where full coordinated matching regime is introduced;
  • Adjustments of the system for concluding orders in the event of a service maintenance;
  • Supports for a 15 minutes products is introduce;
  • Predefined block orders are removed from the portfolio;
  • Ability to restrict participant's access to the OKTE’s information system is introduced;
  • Changes in the system of publishing data;
  • New emergency operations chapter is introduced.

The decision on the change of OKTE, a.s. Operation Order is available in Slovak language here.

The consolidated version of OKTE, a.s. Operation Order effective from 30th November 2022 is available in Slovak language here.



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