SIDC: LIP 17 project Go-live confirmed for 29 November 2022 (delivery day 30/11/2022)

Following the successful completion of technical readiness, the launch of the LIP 17 project (integration of Slovak borders SK-CZ, SK-HU and SK-PL) within Single Intraday Coupling (SIDC) is confirmed for 29 November 2022 (delivery day 30/11/2022).

The SIDC solution is based on a common IT system with one Shared Order Book, a Capacity Management Module and a Shipping Module. SIDC allows for orders entered by market participants for continuous matching in one bidding zone to be matched by orders similarly submitted by market participants in any other bidding zone within the project’s reach as long as transmission capacity is available. Implemented solution is in line with the EU Target model for single EU cross-zonal intraday electricity market.

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