New OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (effective from 1st October 2022)

Change of OKTE, a.s. The operation Order approved by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries will be effective on 1st October 2022. The new version includes:

  • Repealing of the definition of a small business and introducing the definition of a vulnerable customer.
  • Changes of recorded data in connection with changes of definitions.
  • Modification of provisions governing the procedure of OKTE, a.s. in the event of non-fulfilment of the financial obligations related to the central invoicing in connection with the adjustment of the deadline for supplementing the subject's financial security.
  • Clarification of the previous period included in the assessment of the risk level of the subjects of settlement.
  • Addition and modification of the provisions governing the settlement of imbalances in connection with the transition to daily settlement of imbalances.
  • further modifications and improvements arising from the practical application of the Operation Order

The decision on the change of OKTE, a.s. Operation Order is available in the Slovak language here.

The consolidated version of OKTE, a.s. Operation Order effective from 1st October 2022 is available in Slovak language here.



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