New OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (effective from 8th June 2022)

Change of OKTE, a.s., The operation Order approved by the Regulatory Office for Network Industries will be effective on 8th June 2022. The new version includes:

  • changes related to the Core FB MC project go-live,
  • modification of the definition of the local energy source and approach to the non-application of the tariff for the operation of the system,
  • clarification of the provisions on transmission capacities in connection with the organization of the short-term cross-border electricity market,
  • extension of the possibility of using the condition of indivisibility also for the orders on purchase of electricity,
  • addition of information on how to inform market participants in case of serious technical problems related to operation according to the rules of Core FB MC,
  • refinement of the daily market evaluation algorithm.
  • change in the minimum amount of the financial security for the clearing subject and for the market participant in the short-term cross-border electricity market, and
  • further modifications and improvements arising from the practical application of the Operation Order

The decision on the change of OKTE, a.s., Operation Order is available in the Slovak language here.

The consolidated version of OKTE, a.s., Operation Order effective from 8th June 2022 is available in Slovak language here.



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