Changes in OKTE platforms with the launch of Core FB MC project

With regards to upcoming Member Testing, OKTE, a.s., prepared a presentation summarizing changes in the XMtrade/ISOT system and on OKTE website, that will be effective as of Core Flow-Based Market Coupling (Core FB MC) Go-Live. The presentation is available HERE.

In order to acquaint the market participants with the flow-based capacity calculation method, a project workshop, Introduction to Core Flow-Based Market Coupling, was organized on 22 November 2021. Recording of the webinar is available HERE, presentation from the webinar is available HERE. The Q&A document from this webinar can be found HERE.

More production-related changes after the Go-Live of Core FB MC project were presented in the second project workshop, Core FB MC Operational Readiness Webinar, that was held on 23 March 2022. The materials from the second webinar will be published soon.





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