The financial security of subject A.En Slovensko, s.r.o has been applied on 29th of March 2022.

In accordance with chapter 3.2. paragraph 16 of OKTE's Operation Order, OKTE, a.s. - replenishing of the financial security.

16. If the Subject of Settlement fails to replenish the financial guarantee amount within three working days from the execution of the payment from the financial guarantee or if the Subject of Settlement fails to pay liability to OKTE, a.s., within 3 working days from the due date of given liability, OKTE, a.s. may restrict or suspend the registration of daily diagrams. OKTE, a.s. will inform the system operators, in whose systems the Subject of Settlement’s registration of daily diagrams was restricted or suspended about the restriction or suspension of the daily diagrams of the Subject of Settlement and about their balancing group, and OKTE, a.s will also inform Subject of Settlements, who notified OKTE, a.s. on the previous trading day, regarding the agreed amount of electricity with the Subject of Settlement, for which the registration of daily diagrams was restricted or suspended. The information about the restriction or suspension of registration of daily diagrams of the Subject of Settlement shall be published by OKTE, a.s., at its website.

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