Core FB MC: Registration for testing with market participants

OKTE, a.s. invites market participants to international tests within the Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project and at the same time opens the possibility of registration. The tests will take place from 04/04/2022 to 08/04/2022. Information on the scope of tests, individual scenarios and test timings is available in a press release HERE.

In case of interest in participating in the member testing, it is necessary to register with OKTE and for the purposes of the shadow auction in JAO.


Registration in OKTE test environment

It is necessary to send an email with the subject "Core Member Tests - Registration" to the address with the following data:

  • Request for testing in the ISOT system + valid certificate (if the access to the test environment was not established already)
  • email address for receiving notifications during testing

If a market participant has been granted access to a test environment in the past, this access remains functional, but it is still necessary to provide an email address for the purpose of sending notifications during testing. If the market participant doesn´t have an access to the OKTE testing environment, they may request its establishment by sending a Request for testing XMtrade®/ISOT system, available on the OKTE website.

Registration at is possible only until 30.03.2022 EOD.


Registration in JAO for the purposes of the shadow auction

Registration on the JAO website for the purposes of the shadow auction in the case of Partial and Full Decoupling scenarios is required by 29.03.2022 EOD. The following information must be sent to the e-mail address

Company name:
Trader name:
Registered in eCat: Yes / No
If yes, username:
Email address:


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