Shift of the deadline for intraday registration of diagrams in ISZO

OKTE, a.s. announces that with the aim of improving the quality of the services offered, the ISZO system will proceed to the change in relation with the postponement of the deadline for intraday registration of diagrams from 1st January 2022.

Based on several requests from the subjects of settlement and adjustment of the ISZO system, OKTE, a.s. will postpone the deadline for intraday registration of diagrams in the ISZO system from the original 30 minutes to 15 minutes before supply and consumption of electricity.

Deployment of this change is planned for 31st December 2021 so that the shortening of the deadline for intraday registration of diagrams in the ISZO system will be valid for the first period of the following day.

NOTICE: This change does not regulate the closing time for the submission of changes in the preparation of operation within a day of the transmission system operator of Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. (SEPS), where the closing time remains unchanged in accordance with the Operational Rules of SEPS, i.e. 25 minutes before the respective trading hour.

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