Results of Core Flow-Based Market Coupling projects’ external parallel run reach a high level in maturity

The project parties involved in the day-ahead Core Flow-Based Market Coupling project (Core FB MC) hereby announce that as of Business Day 28th of August 2021 the external parallel run reached a next level of maturity. 

The next milestones in the Core Flow Based Market Coupling project

As of November 2020, Core NEMOs and TSOs have started a public testing phase to prepare themselves and market participants for the implementation of Flow Based Market Coupling. With having started this 15 months before the planned Go Live date, this is well in line with the legal obligation pursuant to Article 20 (8) of the CACM Regulation that requires that concerned TSOs, shall test the flow-based methodology alongside the existing capacity calculation and allocation regimes currently applied in the Core capacity calculation region during the period of at least six months. This so called External Parallel Run has now reached a high level in maturity. The required common systems from Core Transmission System Operators used in the External parallel run are in the final stage of industrialisation, covering the needed requirements to allow a fully representative and stable parallel run. 

Full version of the press release is available HERE.


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