Implementation of cross-border intraday electricity market

OKTE as the organizer of the short-term electricity market would hereby like to inform market participants that on 31 August 2021 the preparation phase for the extension of OKTE’s information system regarding the connection to SIDC (Single Intraday Coupling) was completed. In the preparation phase the technical functionalities of the solution for the OKTE systems were defined which were necessary for the implementation of the cross-border intraday electricity market in the Slovak bidding area.

As OKTE registers increased interest of market participants in more detailed information about the project and the changes it will bring to trading on the intraday market, OKTE has processed answers to some of the most frequent questions that are available in the answer document, which can be found HERE.

This overview may not include answers to all questions that individual market participants may encounter in the course of their business. OKTE, a.s has decided and gives the opportunity to send questions related to the topic of cross-border intraday electricity market, which are not yet answered in the overview to market participants by 28 September 2021. Questions must be sent to with the subject „Implementation of SIDC“. After processing, the questions together with the answers will be available on OKTE website.

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