Interim Coupling Project announces the organisation of a webinar and details on project testing

Interim Coupling Project parties announce an update of the regional and European test planning and the organisation of a public webinar.

First phase of the regional testing (functional integration testing) has been successfully completed by the project. The next phase, focused on the testing of regional operational procedures (simulation testing) will start in the second half of March 2021 and will last until beginning of May 2021. Simulation tests will be followed by EU-wide procedural tests with the participation of partners across the whole coupled day-ahead electricity market. Testing with market participants (member testing) is currently planned for the second half of May 2021.

In order to provide market participants with detailed information about member testing, as well as the expected changes this project will bring with regards to trading on the day-ahead electricity market, the project parties will organise a dedicated webinar on the April 21 2021. Further information about the agenda of the webinar and participation instructions will be communicated closer to the date.

Full text of the press release is available here.

The communication note on the organisation of the webinar referenced in the press release is available here.



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