Webinar on changes and new products in OKTE’s portfolio

With the aim of improving the quality of offered services, OKTE, a.s. will introduce changes and extension of its day-ahead product portfolio as of 1 April 2021. 

In preparation for the launch of the changes and new products into operation, OKTE, a.s. is organising an information webinar for the day-ahead market participants, focused on the individual changes and new products in the day-ahead portfolio.

The webinar will take place on 4 March 2021 via the Microsoft Teams app.

The webinar will be held in Slovak language and the slides will be available for the participants afterwards at OKTE’s website. In preparation for the webinar, OKTE has also prepared a short summary of the upcoming changes in the product portfolio for the participants. The summary is available in EN here.

In case you are interested in participating in the webinar, please register by sending an e-mail to dayahead@okte.sk with subject “Webinár nové produkty DT“ until 2 March 2021.


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