OKTE announces the release of purchase block order into production

OKTE announces that, based on the successful testing of the new type of purchase order with the overall acceptance of the first block (i.e. purchase block order) with the market participants, as well as with the partners in the 4MMC, the product will be available in the production environment from 27. 05. 2020. Submission of this type of order will be enabled as of the trading day 01. 06. 2020.

Purchase order with a comprehensive condition will not be valid in case of local matching due to the decoupling of the 4MMC area and the application of power divisibility will not be supported. More information on the new type of order is available in the Operation Order effective from 01. 06. 2020, accessible in Slovak language here

The changes in the Operation Order effective from 01. 06. 2020 are related exclusively to the trading on the short-term cross-border electricity market.

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