OKTE announces the launch of purchase block orders and organizes testing with market participants

With the aim of improving the quality of services provided to the short-term cross-border electricity market participants and broadening its product portfolio, OKTE has decided to introduce the possibility of entering a purchase order with the overall acceptance of the first block (i.e. purchase block order) into the XMTrade/ISOT system. The possibility of entering this type of orders will be available for the market participants on 27 May for the business day 1 June 2020, assuming the positive outcome of the testing.

As a part of preparations for the release of the new product in production environment, OKTE is going to organise a testing session within period 21 - 22 May 2020 for business day 26 May 2020 with a possibility for market participants to join in. During the test, market participants will have a chance to try out the new functionality in the testing environment and enter a purchase order with overall acceptance of the first block.

In order to participate in the test, please register by sending an e-mail to: market@okte.sk and support_ts@sfera.sk until 20 May 2020.

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