New OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (effective from February 6, 2020)

Regulatory Office for Network Industries has approved the text of new Operation Order of OKTE, a.s. that shall be effective from February 6, 2020. In general, the changes are related to the Act No. 309/2009 Coll. on Support of Renewable Energy Sources and High-Efficiency Cogeneration and on Amendments to Certain Acts as amended and its specific provisions effective from January 1, 2020. Main change concerns the feed-in premium based on the outline of the conditions related to the announcement and the evaluation of tender for the feed-in tariff supported electricity production facilities, endorsed by the Ministry of Economy. Another change, stemming from the applied practice, is a clarification of certain provisions of the Operation Order dealing with the registration, transfers and market organisation of guarantees of origin of RES & CHP-based electricity.

 Link: OKTE, a.s. Operation Order (in Slovak language)

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