Scheduling of daily diagrams in ISZO

Dear business partners,

We would like to remind you not to include the time-series corresponding to your trades contracted on the short-term electricity market in the ISOT system, or the time-series of your cross-border electricity transmissions nominated to the Damas Energy system of Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s. as a part of your daily schedules. This concerns both day-ahead and intraday registration of daily schedules in the imbalance settlement system. Mentioned time-series are being registered automatically by the ISOT and Damas Energy information system, which are fully responsible for processing of relevant data.

In case you include the time-series of your trades contracted on the short-term electricity market or time-series of your cross-border electricity transmissions as a part of your daily schedules, we would like to ask you to modify the scheduling mechanism in your information systems to exclude these time-series. As of October 1, 2017 the imbalance settlement system will reject the daily schedules registered by the subjects of settlement with the time-series of trades contracted on the short-term electricity market and with the time-series of the cross-border electricity transmissions.

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