Invitation to OKTE Workshop on Intraday market and RRM services in 2nd phase of REMIT

Dear business partner,

OKTE, a.s. is organizing a Workshop on:

  1. Intraday market
  2. RRM services in the 2nd phase of REMIT

When: 1 March 2016 from 9.00 to 12.30 h

Where: Hotel Holiday Inn, Bratislava

The aim of the first part of workshop is to present the solution for Organization of Intraday Market with all information needed for trading, and the related changes. OKTE, a.s. is planning to start operation Intraday Market within ISOT portal as of 1 April 2016. OKTE, a.s. in line with its development plan will present for market participants the solution for continuous Intraday trading within the SR electricity market.

During second part of the workshop a solution for transaction reporting according to REMIT via RRM OKTE, a.s. will be presented. In addition to fulfilling its legislative obligations OKTE, a.s. offers the mediation of reporting services to electricity and gas market participants for their bilateral contracts (so called Over-The-Counter, OTC), that are reportable as of 7 April 2016.

Detailed programme is HERE.

Workshop will be conducted in Slovak language.

The workshop is free of charge, participation is subject to registration. Due to capacity constraints, representation is limited to 2 persons per company. Please do not hesitate to send the names and e-mail addresses of your representatives until 26 February 2016 to:

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