RRM OKTE Trial day for reporting of transactions from XMtrade®/ISOT system to ACER on 1 October 2015

Dear Short-Term Market Participant,

Let us inform you that on 1 October 2015 we organize a RRM Trial day during which you will able to test functionality of the system for reporting of transactions from XMtrade®/ISOT system to ACER system. Matched results will be sent to a test environment XMtrade® / RRM and then to ACER's test envoronment.

Please note that testing does not reflect the real price levels and volumes. All prices and volumes published during the test as well as the realized contracts in the test environment are imaginary and are not designed for future price and volume analysis. Clearing and settlement will not be simulated during the test. To assure sufficient liquidity and reduce the risk of price fluctuation, fictional bids will be uploaded. 

Test schedule:

until 13:00 -  Possibility for market participants to report bids to the test environment XMtrade® / ISOT

13:00 -  Deadline for reception of bids from market participants

14:00 - 15:00 - Testing of matching of bids in the XMtrade® / ISOT system

15:00  - Publishing of results and sending of reports to the XMtrade®/RRM OKTE system

15:30 - Sending reports from RRM system to ACER

16:00 -  Loading of confirmations of processed reports from ACER to the XMtrade®/RRM system


The condition for participation is to send of the signed Agreement on Reporting of Transactions in the Organized Short-term Cross-border Electricity Market and the filled Request for creation/change of user account for XMtrade®/RRM system (which was sent with the Agreement via e-mail) to remit@okte.sk no later than 30 September 2015.

Access to the test environment of OKTE trading system

If you are interested in participating in the testing, access to OKTE Testing environment is needed. If you don't have an access yet, please contact OKTE operators listed below. We recommend you verify the functionality of access to OKTE Testing environment at least one day before the start of testing.

 To access the ISOT OKTE Testing environment please use the link www.test-isot.okte.sk. For access to the RRM OKTE Testing environment please use the link www.test-rrm.okte.sk

OKTE contacts:

Phone contact during the test: +421 2 5069 2803 / +421 2 5069 2802

E-mail: certificate@okte.sk

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