Addresses of XSL templates for responses in daily diagrams registration will change in XMtrade®/ISZO

Change of addresses of the XSL templates used for displaying responses in the daily diagrams registration in XMtrade®/ISZO is planned during the regular service outage on June 23 2015.


The new addresses of XSL templates will be following:


After the change XMtrade®/ISZO will begin to generate responses in the daily diagrams registration with the new links to the XSL templates. For the correct displaying of responses OKTE recommends all users to add the website * to the Trusted sites in the Internet Options.


Responses generated with previous links to XSL templates will be possible to display correctly till October 6 2015. After this date the manual correction of the previous link to the XSL template will be necessary to display the received response.

If you need a technical support please contact us with a problem description on or call the hotline +421 917 400 600.

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