Exchange of server certificates for OKTE systems on 4/13/2015

Exchange of server certificates for production environment of XMtrade®/ISZO and XMtrade®/ISOT is planned during the service outage on April 13 2015 (7:00 PM - 7:30 PM). Changes include only certificate not the certification authority.

This change affects only users who report data to the XMtrade®/ISZO and XMtrade®/ISOT via automated interfaces.

The change does not refer to user who report data via portal, except those who use Windows XP SP2 or older. Those portal users won't be able to login using the new certificate!

XMtrade®/ISZO and XMtrade®/ISOT will use new certificate from April 13 2015, 7:30 PM.

The public certificates are available here.

We hereby inform that XMtrade®/ISZO and XMtrade®/ISOT will be inaccessible on April 13 2015, from 7:00 PM to 7:30 PM. If you need a technical support please contact us with a problem description on a or call the hotline +421 917 400 600

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