REMIT Implementation – Start of OKTE, a.s. registration as RRM

OKTE, a.s. has been monitoring and analysing the topic of data submission by the electricity and gas market participants based on "Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No 1227/2011 on wholesale energy market integrity and transparency" (REMIT regulation) from the perspective of market organization of electricity and other energy commodities.

OKTE, a.s. as holder of licence on Short-term electricity market operator in the Slovak Republic (ISOT) shall provide at the request of the market participant to the Agency for Cooperation of EnergyRegulators (ACER) information on wholesale energy products traded on Short-term cross-border electricity market via the so called Registered Reporting Mechanism - RRM (RRM is defined as an organization fulfilling technical, procedural and organizational requirements of ACER).

Based on positive reaction from electricity and gas market participants to questionnaire regarding interest in using the RRM Information system of OKTE, a.s. in order to fulfil reporting obligations to the ACER, OKTE, a.s. started registration in ACER information system in order to certify as RRM on 12 February 2015.

Following its RRM obligation fulfilment, OKTE, a.s. will offer a third-party reporting service to the electricity and gas market participants (concerning over-the-counter and non-standard contracts).

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