4M Market Coupling launch

Dear Market Participants,

in preparation for the launch of 4M MC (CZ-SK-HU-RO Market Coupling), scheduled for Wednesday November 19, 2014 with delivery day of November 20, 2014, we are advising you to review the rules carefully as there have been updates or major changes, as applicable, in the context of implementing of new features of the single price market coupling of the Czech, Slovak, Hungarian and Romanian day-ahead electricity markets and the related capacity allocation method (i.e. switch to implicit from explicit on HU-RO border). The details of the 4M MC daily operation presented in national workshops in September were confirmed without any major change based on the tests. If you need assistance, please contact the local PX (OKTE) or TSO (Slovenská elektrizačná prenosová sústava, a.s.).

Contacts for information about Shadow Auction:

MAVIR                 +36 1 304 1449                                                   auctionoffice@mavir.hu
CEPS +420 211 044 507, +420 724 601 301 helpdesk.trade@ceps.cz

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