Termination of e-mail summaries for evaluations of imbalance and regulation electricity as of 1st May 2014

Dear trading partners,

Please note that starting from 1st of May 2014, in order to increase speed and efficiency of OKTE systems, e-mails with evaluations of imbalace and regulation electricity (RE) will no longer be sent out. All relevant data will be available (as it is already) using the ISZO portal and ISZO web services.

  • imbalance evaluation of the subject of settlement is available using the ISZO portal > Evaluation of imbalance> Imbalance of the subject of settlement
  • system imbalace evaluation is available using the ISZO portal > Evaluation of imbalace > System imbalace
  • RE evaluation of RE provider is available using the ISZO portal > Evaluation of imbalance > Evaluation of the regulation electricity
  • provided RE evaluation for whole system is available using the ISZO portal > Evaluation of imbalace > Provided regulation electricity
  • summary billing documents for evaluation of imbalace and of RE for subject of settlement and/or RE provider is available using the ISZO portal > Evaluation of imbalace > Summary evaluation of imbalance and RE

Period-based export of imbalance and RE evaluation for longer time period (max. 1 month) is available using the Advanced Export bookmark. Web service StatusRequest is set up for automatic export of imbalance and RE evaluations onto external systems of trading partners. Detailed specification of this interface can be found using the following link: Technical specification of external interfaces of the system (Slovak version).

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