Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania and Poland signed the Memorandum of Understanding aiming to extend the CZ-SK-HU Market Coupling towards RO and PL markets

On 11 July 2013, representatives of the national regulatory authorities (ERÚ, ÚRSO, HEA, URE and ANRE), transmission system operators (ČEPS, SEPS, MAVIR, PSE, and Transelectrica) and market operators/power exchanges (OTE, OKTE, HUPX, TGE, and OPCOM) from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania signed the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation with respect to Romania's and Poland's adhesion to the integrated day-ahead electricity markets of the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.

Press release:
17072013 5M MC MoU_EN_final (196 kB, July 16, 2013)
PR CZ-SK-HU-RO-PL MC MoU_EN_final (304 kB, July 16, 2013)

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