SELF-BILLING and electronic invoicing for Short Term market

In order to improve the quality of provided services the company OKTE, a.s. is planning to introduce the electronic invoicing with effect from 1st July 2013 in cases resulting from the Agreement on the Access to and the Conditions for Participation on the Organized Short-Term Cross-Border Electricity Market for year 2013, in accordance with provisions of Articles 217 and 232 of the Council Directive 2010/45/EU amending Directive 2006/112/EC on the common system of value added tax (hereinafter referred to as "Directive") and the provision § 71 of the Act No. 222/2004 Coll. on the value added tax as amended  (hereinafter referred to as "ZDPH").

The advantages of electronic invoicing:

  • invoice delivery on the day of issue
  • "prolongation" of the invoice maturity
  • reduced costs for archive rooms
  • simplified payment and control of payments
  • increase in the security of transferred documents through the qualified electronic signature

The requirements to be fulfilled by the recipient of invoices in order to receive invoices electronically:

  • written consent given by the recipient of goods or services
  • submitting an email address, on which the electronic invoice should be sent
  • application Adobe Reader; we are planning to send invoices as PDF documents
  • technical requirements and to ensure a consumer in order to use electronic invoices in accordance with the relevant legal acts

The company OKTE, a.s. is preparing also the possibility to issue an invoice by settlement of the organized short-term cross-border electricity market in the form of so-called SELF-BILLING with effect from 1st July 2013. The consumer will issue an invoice on behalf of the supplier of goods or services after the mutual written agreement. The invoice will be sent electronically.

The advantages of issuing invoices in form of so-called self-billing sent electronically:

  • saving of your time and reducing costs related to the administration,
  • speeding up the documents flow,
  • reducing costs for archive rooms,
  • limitting errors occurring by manual submission of data,
  • increase in the security of transfered documents.

We would like to thank you for your cooperation by the development and implementation of new invoicing technology. We will use the aquired experiences for the preparation of electronic invoicing and self-billing by the clearing of imbalances, which we are aiming to implement from 1st October 2013.

We would like to ask you to send us the filled enquiery until 13th May 2013 on the email address:

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