OKTE launches new Web portal

OKTE, a.s., is launching with new web portal www.okte.sk today. The modified design and structure of the portal will offer the complex information and simplified use for visitors.
The new portal delivers quick and easy navigation, well arranged content and modern design in all areas of company information, mostly regarding area of organizing and evaluation of cross-border day-ahead electricity market and imbalance billing.

Latest changes in the portal include improved graphic design, structure and content. Lists of system notifications ISZO and ISOT, as well as latest press releases were added to portal home page. New charts present information in well-arranged and understandable way. Sections "About company" and "Information" offer current overview of company OKTE,a.s., and also important overall information from energy sector.

Parts of the portal dedicated to imbalance billing and day-ahead electricity market were changed the most. All public information from both ISZO and ISOT systems are presented here in organized and well-structured manner. Under "Imbalance Billing" section user can find financial calculator, statistics regarding trends in imbalance system, lists of subjects of settlements, information about complex imbalance system and other information.

Section "Short term market" is dedicated to cross-border day-ahead electricity market. This section offers Total daily market results, detailed daily results of market coupling, monthly and yearly reports on daily market as well as daily available transfer capacity.

New parts of our portal provide information in well-arranged form and allow for exporting data and filtering the data according to time validity or other characteristics of searched data. Pages dedicated to statistics present data via modern, interactive graphs with possibility to drill down, filter and export.

Users of mobile devices can take advantage of specialized version of web portal. Mobile version enables fast access to the most important information in a layout designed specifically for smartphones.

We believe our new portal provide you a better access to relevant information about our company and its activities. Our aim is to continue improving this web portal and your opinion about that would help us to do so in better way. Your comments would provide highly appreciated feedback for us.

Should you have any suggestions and comments, please send them to us via email address okte@okte.sk.

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