Launch of the Czech-Slovak-Hungarian Day-ahead Electricity Market Coupling as of tomorrow - 11th September 2012

Dear Day-Ahead's market participants,

We would like to announce the launch of the Czech-Slovak-Hungarian Day-ahead Electricity Market Coupling as of tomorrow - 11th September 2012 (delivery day of 12th September 2012) on the principle of implicit capacity allocation.

This means that day-ahead bids (for purchase and demand) of registered traders of the three countries could be traded together up to available cross-border capacity. Neither the obligatory reservation of cross-border capacity by the means of daily explicit capacity auction nor new registration at OKTE´s system is needed.
Please be aware that for MC CZ-SK-HU there will be change of Gate Closure Time - newly at 11:00 am. Publication of results is expected at 11:40 am.

In case of any inquiries or questions, don't hesitate to contact FrontOffice Department:
Phone: +421 2 5069 2802

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